

UNIDAD I: “Nuestro país” (OUR COUNTRY)




Información general de diferentes países 

-Area - population - climate - language - religion 

-Quantifiers - Comparative and superlative

Reading: Nations of the world - Canada, a land of diversity - France - New Zealand - Amazing Brazil

Listening: Canada - India 

Información para turistas

Modal verbs

Reading: information for tourist and visitors in Australia, information for tourists coming to Argentina

Listening: Travel Journal Argentina


Vocabulary related to governments, numbers and statistics

Reading: The government of the United Kingdom, The government of the United States

Listening: Governments and democracies, Ted Talk USA

Problemas en distintos países

Vocabulary related to problems, numbers and statistics

Poverty. Poverty in Argentina. India's major issues. Argentna in numbers


1.11 Estructuras gramaticales: there is, there are, tiempos presentes, verbos modales,

cuantificadores, contables e incontables, conectores, comparativo y superlativo

1.12 Producción escrita: texto informativo, folleto y texto descriptivo.

1.13 Proyecto de unidad: Presentación de países del mundo (power point- grupal)

UNIDAD II: “Nuestras ciudades” (OUR CITIES)




Different cities and capitals, description

-Advantages and disadvantages, comparatives and superlatives, there is / there are

-Attractions, food, accommodations, transportation, adjectives

Reading: Liverpool brochure, Sao paulo, London

Listening: Barcelona, travel guide Honolulu, Living in Venice, The city of London, London sightseeing

Advantages and Disadvantages: VEnice, big cities, small cities, London, San juan

Cities now and then

present and past simple, used to

Reading: Detroit past and present

Listening: How to use “used to” in English

London past and present (video)

New York past and present (video)

Native Inhabitants

past and present

Reading: Inuit people, Indigenous groups of Argentina, the Huarpes, 

Listening: Settlers and Indians (native inhabitants in north america), Wichis’ past and present, somos wichi, Tobas get chagas disease 

2.9 Producción escrita: Texto informativo y descriptivo- folleto de San Juan

2.10 Proyecto áulico II: Video de promoción turística - Proyecto de instagram para promocionar san juan

UNIDAD III: “Nuestro gente, costumbres y celebraciones” (OUR PEOPLE, CUSTOMS AND CELEBRATIONS)




Wine making in San Juan

vocabulary realted to wine- 
past and present
wine industry
wine route
a winery

families and lifestyles

comparing different families and lifestyles

Reading: British and american families

Listening: gender roles in Estonia, Canada census data

celebrations and festivals

dates, food, activities, reasons

Reading: Special days, Columbus day, Interesting festivals around the world, New year around the world, Mandela’s day

Listening: Birthday celebrations around the world,Best festivals in the world, Diwali

3.10 Producción escrita: texto informativo, descriptivo y argumentativo (opinión)


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