unit 2: Life past and present



wichi's past and present


1. Watch the trailer of the Documentary “Somos Wichi” (“We are Wichi”). In groups, answer the questions:
    1. Where do the Wichis live?
    2. Which is the biggest challenge that the Wichis have to face nowadays? How do they feel?
    3. How are the conditions in which the Wichis live?
    4. Why do you think this documentary was filmed?
In order to go deeper into the challenges that indigenous peoples face in Argentina everyday, we invite you to watch the documentary. Go to somoswhichi.com to learn more about them.

Video: Tobas get chagas disease

The video shows…………………………………………………
Chagas is…………………………………………………………….
Some symptoms are…………………………………………….
The government…………………………………………………….
Tobas can’t …………………………………………………………………
The number of infected people is around…………………………………..
Most of the people live……………………………………………………….

  1. Read the article and complete it with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Argentina is a diverse country with 35 indigenous groups as recorded by the Complementary Survey of the Indigenous People. Over 600,000 Argentines, or 1.49% of the population, self-identify as indigenous, almost one- fifth of whom are Mapuche.


The Mapuche __________ (inhabit) the southwestern regions of Argentina, and also __________ (have) a significant presence in the south-central regions of Chile. Nowadays, they live in those areas, too.  In Argentina, Mapuche people number around 113,680, which is around 0.3% of the total population. They __________ (be) farmers while their social organization __________ (consist) of extended families under the leadership of the Ionko or chief. Today, they are still organized this way. Mapuche believe in a creator known as the ngenechen and in a world known as Wenu Mapu and Winche Mapu.

The Kolla are an indigenous people of Chile, Argentina, and Bolivia. 70,505 Kolla people are living in Argentina today, the second highest number of Indigenous Argentines. They __________ (come) into contact with the Spanish in 1540 and __________ (resist) them for 110 years before losing lands. The Kolla __________ (continue) working for minimal wages even after the Argentina’s independence.  Argentina __________ (recognize) the Kolla people the indigenous people of the country in 1985 by Law 23303. They __________ (regain) possession of the Santiago Estate which they __________ (loose) to the Spaniards in 1997. Kolla people hold elected positions and also participate in government activities.


The Qom, also known as the Toba, are found in Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay. There are 69,452 Toba living in the provinces of Chaco, Santa Fe, and Formosa in Argentina. The name Qom means “simple people” while Toba means “big forehead.” The Toba people _________ (see) themselves as nomadic hunters and __________ (live) in the forested regions of Chaco before they lost the region to the Argentinean government in the 1880s. Subsequently, cotton plantations __________ (employ) them. In 1924, 200 Tobas were massacred by the police and the ranchers. The floods of 1982 also __________ (destroy) the Chaco ruining crops in the process. Today, the major threat to Toba is the loss of land and livelihood


The numbers of indigenous people in Argentina are estimated to be higher than those registered because many of these indigenous people hide their identities due to fears of discrimination and stereotyping. Also, most of them have been assimilated into western civilization therefore no longer consider themselves as indigenous people. Many of the natives are still facing challenges of acquiring land and are also denied certain human rights.
  1. Correct the mistakes, if any, in the following sentences.
    1. The Mapuches live in Argentina and Brazil.
    2. The Mapuches are Catholic.
    3. In 1985, the Kollas were recognized as an Indigenous people of Argentina. 
    4. Nowadays, there is a lower number of Kollas than of Tobas.
    5. Tobas can be found in the north of Argentina.
    6. Today, argentinians discriminate against indigenous groups.
    7. We know the exact number of indigenous people living in Argentina.

  1. Complete the chart with information from the text and from the Internet.

Indigenous groups of Argentina
Qom/ Toba

Their past
Region where they lived

 Lifestyle and religious beliefs

Contact with the Spaniards

Their present
Region where they live

Number of people


Lifestyle and religious beliefs

Participation in the country’s activities


  1. What about the indigenous groups in San Juan? Read the text found in the blog “El Portal de Mendoza” and complete it with the correct form of the verbs. 

Huarpes lived in what today is known as the Cuyo region (provinces of San Juan, Mendoza, and San Luis) from the III Century. They were settled from the region of Jáchal River in San Juan to the area of Diamante River in Mendoza. It is believed that by the middle of the XVI Century they __________ (be) about a 100000.
The features of the Huarpes were different from that of other indigenous American communities. They __________ (have) a long head and face, they were tall and thin, the average height in women was 1.60 m and in men 1.70 m. They had dark complexion and both men and women __________ (wear) long hair.
They were polytheistic: they __________ (love) and __________ (respect) God Hunuc Huar, who lived on the mountains. They also __________ (worship) the sun, the stars, the moon, lightning, hills and rivers.
Huarpes lived in valleys close to rivers. They lived in small groups, run by a cacique (Indian chief), who was the owner of the land. They __________ (settle) villages with few inhabitants, which they __________ (move) from place to place depending on the season. Therefore, it can be said that they were relatively sedentary.
They __________ (practice) fishing, hunting and agriculture. Basket making was important, and it __________ (last) until today as a cultural legacy. These people’s language was characterized for having two dialects: Huarpe Millcayac, spoken in the valleys of Mendoza; and Allentiac, spoken in the province of San Juan.
Despite being extinct, there are still today some descendants in the adjacent areas of the old Guanacache lake. Their art still remains, their basket making, their knitting, their irrigation technique using ditches, and also some words that were adopted by our language.
  Indigenous Peoples in Argentina: 'We are strangers in our own country'
9 August 2013           
"We want to live as human beings. We don’t want to be considered as ………………..1 in our own country, poor or useless. We want to live without ………………..2 We don’t want blood shed, we just want to reclaim our …………………3,” said to Amnesty International Félix Díaz, leader of the Qom indigenous community of Potae Napocna Navogoh (La Primavera), in the province of Formosa, Argentina. For decades, …………………4 peoples in Argentina have been treated like second class citizens, subjected to violence, intimidation and discrimination with their………………….5 rights ignored. Over the last few years state and private…………………….6, especially those of the agribusiness and extractive industries, have built up enormous barriers between Argentina’s native population and their rights to their …………………7lands. The UN Special Rapporteur on Indigenous Peoples has ………………….8 the lack of consultation with the communities that may be affected by development projects and exploitation of natural ……………….9.

Although native groups are fighting for their rights……………………………………………
In the past they occupied 90% of our territory, however, ………………………………………….
They had their customs, for instance, …………………………………………………………………
Some groups…………………………………………….,but others, ………………………………


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